So... am i grow up or grow old?
I am 22 years old.... is that young or is that old?
Some people might think that 22 years old is old but actually 22 years old is young~~ XD
I think that we shouldn't waste our young young life time right?
We should enjoy and do whatever the youngsters do as long as we won't hurt other people and ourselves right?
What do youngsters do?
1. Take ang pow lots in CNY~

2. Enjoy schooling life~
3. Enjoy gathering with friends~

4. Go clubbing~
5. Go traveling with friends~
6. Go happy with friends~
7. Fool around with friends~
8. Stop sticks with your boyfriend/girlfriend~~!!
Hahaha............ that's what i think la... anything else to add on? You guys should suggest for me~ Because i think i want to be young again........i am not old, i am not old, i am not old~!! HAHAHA~ =x
P.S: Due to the reason i lazy to search pictures to post so i just post up 3 pictures....XD The most important thing is... i wanted to enjoy my young young life~~ hahaz....So............friends out there..............ask me out when you guys free k? xP