My Convocation - 11/10/2010
A lots of thanks to a lots of people!
Thanks to my mum who has been always there for me during that 3 years of my uni life~
Thanks to my god mum & ah kim for coming to my convocation~
(It's not easy for them to reach the hall, they were lost in the campus! xD)
I'm totally surprise as i don't expect anyone else to come~

Thanks ah kim for the roses! Nice & pretty, i like it~~
Thanks my dear Johnny for waking up at 5.30am for me, coming to the convocation & the beautiful flowers!
Thanks my dear Johnny for waking up at 5.30am for me, coming to the convocation & the beautiful flowers!

Again, thanks my mum for coming to the convocation & the surprise dinner party!

Thanks to uncle nitto & 3rd aunt for always stand behind my back & the angpaosss....
I got a lots of words for everyone but it's just simply too hard to put it in words........
Thank you everyoneeee for coming to the party~~
I had such a great great day!
P.S: Got all kinda emotions in 1 day~